The MCSIG has had the benefit of the service of highly skilled and effective boards of directors and consultants since its inception. Board members are elected by a majority of the membership during the annual meeting. A director may not serve for more than three (3) consecutive terms of three (3) years. The sitting board then selects the officers during the first quarterly meeting following the annual meeting.
Current Board Members
Mr. John Straub, Chancellor, Archdiocese of Boston
Ms. Maureen Creedon, Finance Director, Archdiocese of Boston
Reverend James DiPerri, Pastor, Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted, Waltham
Mr. Joseph F. McEnness, Executive Director, Office of Risk Management, Archdiocese of Boston
Current Directors
Ms. Maureen Creedon, Finance Director, Archdiocese of Boston
Reverend James DiPerri, Pastor, Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted, Waltham
Ms. Lori Ferrante, Administrator, Elizabeth Seton Residence, Wellesley
Mr. Mike Ford, Finance Officer, Diocese of Springfield
Kevin Kiley, Chancellor & CFO, Diocese of Fall River
Mr. Chris Nagle, Business Manager, Glastonbury Abbey
Mr. John Riley, VP of Finance and HR, Clayton Christensen Institute for Disruptive Innovation
Mr. John Straub, Chancellor, Archdiocese of Boston
Mr. Timothy M. McCrystal, Esquire, Ropes & Gray
Corporate Actuary
Mr. John Dawson, Partner, Ashurst Beacon
Consulting Actuary
Ms. Ann Conway, Partner, Willis Towers Watson